Edit Object

Edit, Object


Use Object from the Edit menu to perform an action on an OLE object.

You can also double-click most objects with the left mouse button to switch to the server application where you can edit the object.

If you double-click on a sound or movie object, a sound or movie clip will play.


  1. Select the object, then choose Edit (application name) Object from the Edit menu.
    You can also select the object, click the right mouse button, then choose Edit (application name) Object.
  2. Make your changes in the source file application.
  3. Click in the EW Notator document window (outside the object window) to return to EW Notator.
    If the application does not allow in-place editing, choose Exit & Return to Document from the File menu, then choose whether or not to save the file and update the copy in your document.
    Choose Update from the File menu if you do not want to exit the server application.

    These optio
    ns may be worded differently in various server applications. See the documentation for your server application.

See Also

Paste Special

Insert Object