Search and Replace

Edit, Search & Replace


Use Search and Replace to find simple symbols, compound symbols, cells or text in your document.
You can replace these items with other symbols or text.


To search for symbols,

  1. Choose Search & Replace from the Edit menu.
  2. Type symbols or text into the Search editing field by using the keyboard, the Simple Symbols window, the Compound Symbols bar or by choosing Insert, Symbols.
  3. Choose Find Next

To find and replace symbols,

  1. Choose Search & Replace from the Edit menu.
  2. Type symbols or text into the Search editing field by using the keyboard, the Simple Symbols window, the Compound Symbols bar or by choosing Insert, Symbols.
  3. Click the Replace editing field and perform the same actions to assign the replacement items.
  4. Choose Replace to replace the next occurrence of the search items with the replacement items.
    Choose Replace All to replace all occurrences of the search item in the current document.

See Also

Search and Replace Options