
Movement notations function as a symbolic representation for all kinds of movements – similar to the musical notes known in the Western music
tradition. For instance, they serve as a movement language for composition, documentation, teaching and research in dance, sports or science. Notations describe the elements of human movement by applying objective categories and terms, and by that enable a deeper understanding, perception and experience of movement and its inherent structures.

Notations may be of interest to all those, who seek an intensive dialog with their own movement and body, who want to discover
new movement possibilities and to reveal their concealed structures. They provide a way to grow beyond known patterns and once acquired skills. Every movement sequence we perform may be observed over and over again within a playful process and with growing curiosity from different perspectives.

Apart from historical notations e.g. of the baroque era, mainly three systems are of importance in Western culture:

* Benesh Movement Notation,
* Kinetography Laban / Labanotation and
* Eshkol-Wachmann Movement Notation.